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Meeting Date
Novice Meeting Topic
Variable Stars & New Discoveries
Novice Meeting Speaker
Bill Pellerin, Walt Cooney
General Meeting Topic
Astronomy on the Margins: The Role of Amateurs and Women in the Invention of Astrophysics
General Meeting Speaker
Dr. Tom Williams, Historian


Come on out and hear some great speakers in prime comfort. We are down the block in Agnes Arnold Auditorium. Use the map below and our friendly leadership will help guide the way, too.


Tom Williams

Tom Williams

Tom Williams

In the first three quarters of the 19th century, amateur astronomers in the British Isles and the United States led development of the new discipline of astrophysics. Thereafter, amateurs continued to contribute to astrophysics, as women began to make their presence felt through their significant refinements to spectroscopy and photometry. After 1890, the roles of both amateurs and women declined relatively speaking as professional astronomers finally sensed the scientific potential of astrophysics and philanthropy provided them tools that were well beyond the financial means of any amateurs. This presentation by historian and HAS member Dr. Tom Williams will describe that ebb and flow in the development of astrophysics by astronomers who were otherwise marginalized in the science of astronomy.

At the Novice Meeting

Don't miss our long awaited talk about variable star observing from recent past president and long time GuideStar editor Bill Pellerin who will tell you everything you wanted to know about why some stars vary in brightness and why astronomers watch them, and Walt Cooney who will fill us in on his recent discoveries at the dark site of two previously unknown variables. Many astronomers enjoy watching changing phenomena in the sky and variable stars certainly fall in this category. This is one area where amateurs can do real science.

Dark Site Orientation Agness Arnold Auditorium 7pm Ask for John Haynes

Members need take orientation only once but it is required to get access to the Dark Site. Don't miss the novice session, though. Watch it on the website as soon as it's posted in the member section.

Election to Vote on Membership Committee Opening

Membership committee members and directors at large Jessica Kingsley and Bill Kowalczyk have accepted the nomination to fill the Membership Committee opening as Co-Chairs. Nominations will be taken from the floor and all members in good standing are welcome to throw their hat in the ring.