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Meeting Date
Novice Meeting Topic
Collimating the Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
Novice Meeting Speaker
Clayton Jeter, ADVANTAGE Telescope Repair
General Meeting Topic
Space Medicine: From Houston to Kazakhstan
General Meeting Speaker
Dr. Cedrick Senter, ret. NASA flight surgeon

Doctor Senter

Dr. Cedric Senter will speak to HAS about his experiences as a flight surgeon with NASA. In particluar, Dr Senter will review

  • Preflight, inflight and post flight medical activities
  • Long-duration space flight medical issues and their countermeasures
  • Long-duration space flight environmental issues and their countermeasures
  • Postflight medical issues

Dr. Senter graduated from UNM School of Medicine 1984 and began an internship that same year at St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center in Phoenix, Az. He entered US Naval Flight Surgeon Training in July 1985 and received his Naval Flight Surgeon Wings in Feb 1986. In 1998 he joined Wyle Laboratories, Houston as a Medical Operations Physician supporting Astronaut Training in Star City, Russia while also training for ISS Surgeon Console position in the MCC-Houston. In 2003, he was chosen as the first contractor flight surgeon to act as a Deputy Crew Surgeon for ISS Expedition 4 after completing the certification to become an ISS flight controller in the Mission Control Center–Houston.

At the Novice Session

In August, we welcome Clayton Jeter who will reveal the mysteries behind collimating or aligning the optics of the very popular Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. If you own a Schmidt-Cass or are considering buying one for its compact shape and excellent optics, don’t miss this talk.